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The Church Calendar
Dispensationally Considered

The nation Israel was commanded by God’s Law to observe His holy days (holidays.) There were quite a few holidays, and God was very specific about how Israel was to observe them.

The Church, the Body of Christ has been freed from the Law by the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are free to observe holidays as we see fit. We can also choose not to observe holidays. Paul tells us that whatever we decide, to observe or not, we are to do it to the Lord.

Despite this freedom we in the church have today, most churches have an entire calendar full of holidays. Some churches may even require attendance at the special services marking these special days. When you study the Bible dispensationally, you know the difference between God’s commands and the doctrines and commandments of men.

This Bible study will analyze the reasons for man’s holidays to help you decide whether or not you want to celebrate them, and get yourself out from under man’s law.

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